Went to a sound performance the other day given by a professor/performer from New York...he played, get this: a Laotian MOUTH ORGAN. It was possibly the coolest thing I've seen/heard all semester. It was pretty much the only part of his presentation that impressed me, but I was pretty stinkin impressed. Unfortunately I've found it nearly impossible to describe said instrument to friends and family...I've decided that only proves my theory that the coolest things in life defy explanation. (We'll go with that, rather than I'm just really lazy in the brain).

So Sunday night as part of my sound poetry class I performed a poem on "Eagle Radio," my campus' radio station. It was an incredibly surreal, fun experience. My prof had a lot of fun messing around with me; she tried getting me worked up about it, but I was too distracted by the extremely cool mic and headset and all the complicated button thingies...so yeah, I didn't get nervous which was nice, and I had a lot of fun performing one of my new favorite poems: Michael Palmer's "Red, Yellow, Blue". I think I unconsciously chose that poem because there's a line that talks about "the rain that never ends..." - I don't know what's going on, but at least here in Ypsi it WILL NOT STOP RAINING!!!! I'm seriously going stir crazy...the other night I got so fed up with being constantly stuck inside that I went for a walk despite the rain...and ended up freezing cold and completely happy.:D
Googled 'laotian mouth organ' and got this video. Is that it? If so that's freakin' awesome. :)
You know, I've kinda had the same feeling about the music/ film soul mates. ;) How are you doing with your semester?
Just a heads up, was wondering if some weekend you'd like to car pool and go back to Lansing. We could meet somewhere in between Ypsi and Flint and go on a Saturday or a Sunday? Just a thought. I'm headed back this weekend, so I thought of you.
Btw, what is this Michael Palmer poem? I tried to google it and couldn't find it... :(
You performed a poem on the radio? That's totally awesome! Do you have a radio voice?
Thanks for posting the poem. Was it Eastern's radio station that you read it on?
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