Sunday, February 22, 2009

So I'm home!


Two of Mom's sisters and my 11-year-old cousin Josh came up from Chicago to visit us this weekend...they left this morning to head back home. We had such a good time catching up, showing off Heather's new house, playing games, telling stories (some of them even true!!)...mostly just enjoying each other. I forget sometimes how cool (like my mom) my aunts are...I am so lucky with the extended family God has given me.

So last night I played a game of monopoly with my two little sisters and 11-year-old Josh...who is, I've decided, 11 going on 25. He acts so much older than he is that half the night I mistakenly called him "Dan," confusing him with his older brother. I never really get to hang with Josh when we get together for family reunions in Chicago, since the younger kids usually hang out in one area and the adults in another, so it was really fun to do some serious hanging out with him and get to know him. I love hanging out with kids I like...I've never understood people who say blanket statements like: "I like kids." I gotta tell you, there are a LOT of kids I DON'T like. I couldn't say that any more than I could say: "I like adults." But Josh, him I like.

So the only plans I made for my break was to get my hair cut yesterday...which now that that's done, I have absolutely NOWHERE I have to go, nothing I have to do for the next WEEK!! (Not including homework of course, which of COURSE I don't) So I am pretty much completely, incandescently happy. Lazing is the bomb. :D

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