Ran into Jas today...it was very much the happy accident. I really miss her...she is a kindred spirit in that she and I have an alarmingly similar sense of humor. Which means basically that we crack each other, and ourselves, up constantly when we're together. It's great fun. I miss her for other reasons though...who else braves haunted houses with me, constantly needles me about getting a tattoo, and steals my day planner to doodle and write little notes like: "brush hair. take deep breath. scream. run from campus security. remember that life as we know it will not collapse if you forget an assignment, show up late, or let someone down." Wow, does she know me well...
So I went to the student bookstore this afternoon to kill some time, (I'd intended to go for a walk, but got about fifty feet and decided it was WAAAY too stinking cold) and one of the employees, a guy, comes up to me and starts chatting me up. He asks, "What can I do for you? Looking for anything? Want a tour? I actually give PRIVATE tours free of charge..." I actually laughed, I'm ashamed to say, despite the awfulness of the line. We chat for a little bit, and I finally come out and ask him, "Are you really bored?" The "Mr. Charming" front suddenly slips off like a skin, and he starts describing the rather impressive extent of his boredom. Apparently they had practically no traffic in there today, a combination of the weather, the day of the week and the point of the semester. So I let him give me a mini tour of the bookstore that I've spent so much time in over the past year, I know probably as well as him. :D The things people will do on a boring Thursday afternoon...

So tomorrow is clean-my-room, do-my-laundry and run-errands day since I'm gonna be busy all day Saturday, which is the day I usually accomplish all of the above. Strangely enough, the boring, mundane nature of the tasks I'm going to be doing tomorrow has me oddly excited. I think that's a reflection on just how insanely busy I've been...when laundry day gets me all giddy, you know I'm in serious trouble...
Congratulations on your week being over! Do you know how you did yet on presentations?
About car-pooling sometime: Basically I have most weekends free. I don't have scheduled work or school at all during the weekends, so as long as I get a warning in advance (so I don't put off homework until the weekend...) I can do just about any weekend. How about you?
LINDSEY!!!! Hello. I miss you a lot and can't wait to see you..... sometime. How cold IS it up there? Right now it's only 33.
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