So I am dangerously close to getting used to this good weather...I even decided to pull out my flip flops this morning. Right up until I couldn't find them. You'd think my dorm room was too small to really lose anything...but apparently my ingenuity knows no bounds.
Actually shared something in my Avant Garde class today...and annoyed everyone. To be honest, it was kind of fun...I am so fed up with the arrogance that I'm ready to start handing out cards for a "Superiority Complexes Anonymous" group. Hehe. Seriously though...I tend to be academically minded myself, and probably occasionally stray into murky waters where alienating people in conversations is concerned...but if I ever get so self-important in my own knowledge that I am completely insufferable to be around, I hope someone will shoot me. I don't think knowledge is something you wave around, just to impress or make yourself feel better...I believe it's supposed to serve a purpose. Sometimes I feel like (especially in some of my higher level classes) classmates aren't here to learn as much as they're here to show off what they already know. It makes me wanna tattoo my forehead: "Sit down, shut up, and LISTEN!" :)
Anyway...enough ranting. So I realized yesterday that somehow in the midst of all my anxiety about being sick of school...I found my momentum again. I'm about caught up in all my classes, and starting to plan for my end-of-semester projects and papers. Not sure when this occurred, but I feel like I finally have enough academic drive to push myself through these last five weeks of school...but I guess we'll just have to see what happens...
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