The beach. Possibly my favoritest spot in the entire world. Mom and the lil sissies and I went to the beach this afternoon/evening, and six hours later the feeling is beginning to return to my extremities. So yeah, the water was cold. But it was completely awesome fun, exploring the water and the rocks and the dips (Shelby and I managed to experience these dips, or "gaping chasms," as she likes to call them, first hand...). Shelby and I also waged war with the wind...we spent at least two hours attempting to fly a kite, and about 20 minutes actually flying it. It was an experience. A wet, cold, frustrating, tiring experience, but somehow it was still fun.
I've laughed more in the past couple of days than I think I have in MONTHS. My lil sisters are good for me, I think. I've also slept more in the past two days than I have in the past week. Combined. Pretty amazing. I think I should live my life on vacation. It suits me. ;)
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
i am a gypsy, I have no home...
So I just realized I am living in three different places at once. I'm spending this summer at my older sister Heather's house (since the total cost of rent is mowing her lawn and doing the occasional dishes, among other perks!). I am also living at Eastern Michigan University...I count myself as there because my favorite magnet is still hanging on the metal rod on the wall in my dorm room, and that magnet is what I use to designate my living space. (Hey, for some people it's a picture, or a thing happens to be a black and white magnet with an inspirational saying on it. Sue me.) For the next month, however, I'm in Vancouver, Washington, visiting my parents and younger sisters at their new house on the edge of the planet. Seriously, I just found out it's going to cost fourteen dollars to ship something here. It's like we're in Timbuktu or something.

So this was my view for six hours yesterday as I flew over here. I suppose the view could've been much worse...I keep hearing rumors of planes inexplicably, you know, MUCH worse...
Megs and Shelby and I are conning Mom into taking us to the beach tomorrow afternoon, and I'm actually more psyched about that than I think I've been about anything else all summer. I've really missed truly relaxing...I'm grateful I'll get to do some of that before the grind of my last semester begins in September...
So this guy in Joanne Fabrics was totally staring at me this afternoon, and it made me surreptitiously check my fly and the seat of my pants for any major gaps, rips or spots. In hindsight, I've decided what I should have done was stare at this guy right back for BEING in Joanne Fabrics in the FIRST PLACE!! I mean, a DUDE, with man parts and everything, in a JOANNE FABRICS?!?! Seriously, who's REALLY the freak here, man?!?!?!?!

So this was my view for six hours yesterday as I flew over here. I suppose the view could've been much worse...I keep hearing rumors of planes inexplicably, you know, MUCH worse...
Megs and Shelby and I are conning Mom into taking us to the beach tomorrow afternoon, and I'm actually more psyched about that than I think I've been about anything else all summer. I've really missed truly relaxing...I'm grateful I'll get to do some of that before the grind of my last semester begins in September...
So this guy in Joanne Fabrics was totally staring at me this afternoon, and it made me surreptitiously check my fly and the seat of my pants for any major gaps, rips or spots. In hindsight, I've decided what I should have done was stare at this guy right back for BEING in Joanne Fabrics in the FIRST PLACE!! I mean, a DUDE, with man parts and everything, in a JOANNE FABRICS?!?! Seriously, who's REALLY the freak here, man?!?!?!?!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
sleep deprivation, violent storms and wind, and other phenomenon currently trying to kill me...
So I guess it goes without saying that with only three weeks left of school, my life is total chaos. But I'll say it anyway. :D It's the strangest feeling ever, because half of me is DYING for summer, but the other half is dreading the unknown that summer will bring. What will I do for work? When will Mom and the girls move away? Will Heather's basement be completed in time, or will I be spending my summer doing that? It's all up in the air right now, and despite how much I really do enjoy adventures and change and the unknown, this particular kind of uncertainty is pretty daunting. But then my mind inevitably swings back to just how frickin SICK of school I am, and how I'm about to the point where I'm ready to work at McDonalds and sleep in my car, as long as I'm not here in Ypsi anymore...
In some ways I feel like my entire life right now revolves around checking my email. This publisher is supposed to email me soon, with details about the process of getting my short story in his literary mag, and if I thought I was a compulsive email checker before, I was very much naive. The entire situation feels so surreal, but it has me kind of frozen where my next story is concerned. How do I top, or even match my first story in this class? It's almost past the point of pride, and into territory where I just don't want to disappoint my prof. But I'm also terrified of disappointing myself, I think. The other problem I'm running into is the story currently circulating tirelessly inside my head is based much more heavily on my own life than my last story. That makes me really uncomfortable for certain individuals from my past...something I never want to do is hurt people, even those who've hurt me. Such a dilemma...and yet, in some ways, not really. I'm starting to feel like I have such little control over the words that come out of me...they're there, and they have to come out. That's the beginning and the end of it.
So I just found out that someone got held up at gunpoint at a location I was at just two hours before. It's kind of a strange sensation...makes me terribly glad that I have a tendency to be over-cautious. It also makes me terribly glad that it wasn't me... :)
In some ways I feel like my entire life right now revolves around checking my email. This publisher is supposed to email me soon, with details about the process of getting my short story in his literary mag, and if I thought I was a compulsive email checker before, I was very much naive. The entire situation feels so surreal, but it has me kind of frozen where my next story is concerned. How do I top, or even match my first story in this class? It's almost past the point of pride, and into territory where I just don't want to disappoint my prof. But I'm also terrified of disappointing myself, I think. The other problem I'm running into is the story currently circulating tirelessly inside my head is based much more heavily on my own life than my last story. That makes me really uncomfortable for certain individuals from my past...something I never want to do is hurt people, even those who've hurt me. Such a dilemma...and yet, in some ways, not really. I'm starting to feel like I have such little control over the words that come out of me...they're there, and they have to come out. That's the beginning and the end of it.
So I just found out that someone got held up at gunpoint at a location I was at just two hours before. It's kind of a strange sensation...makes me terribly glad that I have a tendency to be over-cautious. It also makes me terribly glad that it wasn't me... :)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
panthophobia, or why I'm currently terrified to be around people...
So I don't think it's too much of an exaggeration to say that THE ENTIRE WORLD HAS THE PLAGUE. My prof who has NEVER before canceled class actually gave in today and admitted she is human; she canceled class, confessing that she has a cold. Another professor of mine insisted yesterday on lecturing from the corner of our tiny classroom, trying her best not to give us whatever she's managed to contract. I couldn't sleep last night...I laid in bed for hours, imagining what would happen if I got sick RIGHT before finals. Can I just implore the entire human race here: PLEASE do NOT go to class if you are currently harboring any viruses, or even just think you may be about to. Save the rest of us from immeasurable stress and misery!!

On a cheerier note: since my afternoon class was canceled today, I got to go walking in the middle of the day today instead of after dinner like usual. It was rather lovely, I must say...there was even a couple brief moments where the sun managed to peek out from behind some rather menacing clouds that hovered over campus all day. After my walk I drove out to fill up my car and on the way back, stopped and bought an umbrella. Optimism aside, I like to be prepared.
So I got my in-class essay back that I took Monday...and now I feel really guilty. Kody must've studied twice as long as I did, AND he read the novels TWICE through, and I still managed to get a better grade. He was very good-natured about it (which he really should've been, since he read my grade over my shoulder) but I really am forced to agree w/ him that it wasn't fair. Sometimes my own ability to fake this stuff makes me cringe. Though as I explained to Kody, since I am a creative writing major, bluffing my way through literature essay exams really should be my milieu. As merely a psych major and future professor, I believe that mollified him somewhat. :) Oh, and while I'm on the subject of Kody...I think perhaps we shouldn't sit together, or at least together directly in line of sight to Prof. Bruss. Twice this morning he caught our eyes when we were in the middle of a silent giggle fest. The second time he sort of just sent us this wordless look of censure, but I'm thinking we're about to get lectured if we don't tone it down a bit. This is what happens though, when you discover friends who share your own retarded sense of humor.

On a cheerier note: since my afternoon class was canceled today, I got to go walking in the middle of the day today instead of after dinner like usual. It was rather lovely, I must say...there was even a couple brief moments where the sun managed to peek out from behind some rather menacing clouds that hovered over campus all day. After my walk I drove out to fill up my car and on the way back, stopped and bought an umbrella. Optimism aside, I like to be prepared.
So I got my in-class essay back that I took Monday...and now I feel really guilty. Kody must've studied twice as long as I did, AND he read the novels TWICE through, and I still managed to get a better grade. He was very good-natured about it (which he really should've been, since he read my grade over my shoulder) but I really am forced to agree w/ him that it wasn't fair. Sometimes my own ability to fake this stuff makes me cringe. Though as I explained to Kody, since I am a creative writing major, bluffing my way through literature essay exams really should be my milieu. As merely a psych major and future professor, I believe that mollified him somewhat. :) Oh, and while I'm on the subject of Kody...I think perhaps we shouldn't sit together, or at least together directly in line of sight to Prof. Bruss. Twice this morning he caught our eyes when we were in the middle of a silent giggle fest. The second time he sort of just sent us this wordless look of censure, but I'm thinking we're about to get lectured if we don't tone it down a bit. This is what happens though, when you discover friends who share your own retarded sense of humor.
Monday, March 23, 2009
writing blitzes: awesome. running on no sleep for extended period of time: not so much.

So I attempted to have a coherent conversation with a friend this afternoon. After taking an in-class essay exam, on about four hours of sleep. I hope this friend eventually forgives me for my unbelievable arrogance in thinking I could pull this off w/out saying something really stupid. Telling someone their hat reminds you of your kind of dorky aunt isn't a friendship-ending remark, is it?? ::sheepish grin:: Thank God for friends who dispense grace...well, gracefully. It also probably helps that I give her class notes when she misses, which is kind of a lot... ;)
So I am seriously freaking...was just notified that since I'm in the honors college, early registration for fall 09 starts THIS WEDNESDAY. !!!!!! I've spent the last hour organizing my class schedule for my last semester here, and it's been one of the most surreal moments of my life. They suggest I start filling out the paperwork for graduation like, yesterday, so I can make sure all my info is processed for the deadline in the fall. Life after graduation has always seemed like such an abstract that it's rather suddenly becoming an unavoidable reality, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. The idea that there's some random cut-off point where I'm suddenly supposed to know everything I need to for my career - one I'll probably spend at least most of the rest of my life doing - seems almost ridiculous. So here I am, sitting on my bed, staring at the class schedule of my last semester before graduation...and I can't tell whether I want it to be over yesterday, or last forever...
Got into the weirdest conversation w/ an old acquaintance last night...this individual kind of opened up to me unexpectedly. I tend to ask pretty "real" questions when I talk to people, but I'm pretty used to getting pat, prepared, or just superficial answers. People don't usually want to brave truly personal's too risky. But this guy was actually pretty honest with kind of inspired me. While talking to him, I realized that while I am usually pretty quick to ask the questions, I'm not usually one to offer back personal stuff myself. I think it's because I usually assume people aren't interested in me the way I'm interested in why offer up yourself to people who don't care? But talking w/ him made me realize that that's kind of why I feel like I'm here - it's even a big part of my passion for writing. I believe that God's given me something to offer - something special, that no one else has, or can give, in quite the same way. So anyway, yeah...I've decided that this is one of my goals for the summer - work on giving of myself more unreservedly, without preconceived notions of what people are interested in.
Heehee...compared to how my posts mostly reflect the way I generally look at the world (from a place of dry, often astonished humor), such serious posts like this truly crack me up. But as Tim said the other day, "Sometimes, Lindsay, there's no choice. Sometimes you just gotta bring out the serious."
Sunday, March 22, 2009
sleeping in, clean socks, apples, and other completely lovely things...
So I did a thorough clean of my room last night before I went to bed...I can't believe how much better I feel, being in my room. It's such a psychological thing, but it really does make a difference in how well I sleep, get up in the morning, even how well I study. Kind of crazy, really. It kind of upsets me how much my mind decides on without my permission. But I suppose it's often a good thing that we're subconscious creatures...
So only four days til the weekend! Four long days, actually. I have an in-class essay exam first thing tomorrow morning, then two days of classes of no importance, then thurs evening I workshop my first fiction short story in my night class. I'm thinking it's a good thing I'll be headed straight home afterward...whether I get positive or negative feedback, I think the experience of having to read my writing out loud, then having to spend a half-hour listening to my classmates deconstruct it will be challenging. But this is why I'm here, especially since my prof is a published author, whose feedback will probably make this entire semester worth the money I'm spending. (Or the debt I'm accruing, whichever way you wanna look at it...) ::sigh. Life is so come the stuff that's hard is usually the stuff that's most important? Reminds me of one of Eleanor Roosevelt's philosophies of a fulfilling life: "Do one thing every day that scares you."

So during lunch today I found myself throwing out an uneaten bag of chips, wishing it was a fresh, juicy apple. This is a very good indication that I've been here on campus too long. Hehe. Seriously though, the extent to which I am getting sick of the food here is almost irrational. Basically, though, I CAN'T WAIT TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!
So only four days til the weekend! Four long days, actually. I have an in-class essay exam first thing tomorrow morning, then two days of classes of no importance, then thurs evening I workshop my first fiction short story in my night class. I'm thinking it's a good thing I'll be headed straight home afterward...whether I get positive or negative feedback, I think the experience of having to read my writing out loud, then having to spend a half-hour listening to my classmates deconstruct it will be challenging. But this is why I'm here, especially since my prof is a published author, whose feedback will probably make this entire semester worth the money I'm spending. (Or the debt I'm accruing, whichever way you wanna look at it...) ::sigh. Life is so come the stuff that's hard is usually the stuff that's most important? Reminds me of one of Eleanor Roosevelt's philosophies of a fulfilling life: "Do one thing every day that scares you."

So during lunch today I found myself throwing out an uneaten bag of chips, wishing it was a fresh, juicy apple. This is a very good indication that I've been here on campus too long. Hehe. Seriously though, the extent to which I am getting sick of the food here is almost irrational. Basically, though, I CAN'T WAIT TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
how to live inside a completely terrific day...
I think today and yesterday are going to be my absolutely favorite days of this semester. These two days are going to be the only thing about this school term I'll remember. In ten years when people ask me about this year at college, these two days are going to be what I'll talk about. It's almost hilarious - nothing hugely life-altering happened, but the culmination of several really important things suddenly came together, and I'm right now totally and completely excited about life. I love that feeling. Almost as much as I love writing. I don't think I realized until last week, thursday night, how much I've been doubting lately my academic path. Having actually written only one thing I'm really proud of in the past year has been really hard. It's made me question whether what I've always thought was inside me is really there. But writing this latest short story for my fiction class has uncorked an incredible flow of words and excitement that I haven't felt in a really long time. Suddenly I'm remembering just how much I want to say, and how much I haven't said yet. Sometimes I feel trapped, because even when I have nothing inside me, I still feel this compulsion to write. But bottom line: it's not about whether I can write or can't write. It's about the fact that I have to write, even if I'm the only one who is ever changed by it.

Wow. I cannot believe how melodramatic the above is. :D ANYWAY, only one more week until The Lion King, and oddly enough, I think I'm just as psyched about hanging out with Heather and the fam as I am about that. I was talking to Heather the other day about my friends here, and how I really do love them...but sometimes I miss not having to try so hard. It's like even simple conversation is so much more complicated when you're talking to someone who's only known you for a year. Especially compared to talking to people who've known you your whole life. With them, you have your own language, one that often doesn't even require words. That might be what I miss about home most of all. (Besides real food, that is...)
So my friend in my fiction class walked out with me last thursday night to ask me if I like Patrick. ????? He is a friend of mine in the class that I know from last semester, that sits by me. He and I are mutually aware of our incompatibility, something that's allowed us to hang out without any awkwardness (something that's suddenly gotten much harder for me in general than in high school, go figure). But apparently our "mixed signals" are confusing our other friends in the class. I've decided that there's been relatively little drama in the class so far, and people are getting bored and desperate. I also think that perhaps Stephanie likes Patrick. But this is all conjecture...unfortunately I am rarely wrong about this stuff. Why can't we all just be grown-ups and leave high school where it belongs - in high school?! ::sigh. I think I'm getting too old for this. :)

Wow. I cannot believe how melodramatic the above is. :D ANYWAY, only one more week until The Lion King, and oddly enough, I think I'm just as psyched about hanging out with Heather and the fam as I am about that. I was talking to Heather the other day about my friends here, and how I really do love them...but sometimes I miss not having to try so hard. It's like even simple conversation is so much more complicated when you're talking to someone who's only known you for a year. Especially compared to talking to people who've known you your whole life. With them, you have your own language, one that often doesn't even require words. That might be what I miss about home most of all. (Besides real food, that is...)
So my friend in my fiction class walked out with me last thursday night to ask me if I like Patrick. ????? He is a friend of mine in the class that I know from last semester, that sits by me. He and I are mutually aware of our incompatibility, something that's allowed us to hang out without any awkwardness (something that's suddenly gotten much harder for me in general than in high school, go figure). But apparently our "mixed signals" are confusing our other friends in the class. I've decided that there's been relatively little drama in the class so far, and people are getting bored and desperate. I also think that perhaps Stephanie likes Patrick. But this is all conjecture...unfortunately I am rarely wrong about this stuff. Why can't we all just be grown-ups and leave high school where it belongs - in high school?! ::sigh. I think I'm getting too old for this. :)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
bad breath, boring socks and misplaced flip flops...

So I am dangerously close to getting used to this good weather...I even decided to pull out my flip flops this morning. Right up until I couldn't find them. You'd think my dorm room was too small to really lose anything...but apparently my ingenuity knows no bounds.
Actually shared something in my Avant Garde class today...and annoyed everyone. To be honest, it was kind of fun...I am so fed up with the arrogance that I'm ready to start handing out cards for a "Superiority Complexes Anonymous" group. Hehe. Seriously though...I tend to be academically minded myself, and probably occasionally stray into murky waters where alienating people in conversations is concerned...but if I ever get so self-important in my own knowledge that I am completely insufferable to be around, I hope someone will shoot me. I don't think knowledge is something you wave around, just to impress or make yourself feel better...I believe it's supposed to serve a purpose. Sometimes I feel like (especially in some of my higher level classes) classmates aren't here to learn as much as they're here to show off what they already know. It makes me wanna tattoo my forehead: "Sit down, shut up, and LISTEN!" :)
Anyway...enough ranting. So I realized yesterday that somehow in the midst of all my anxiety about being sick of school...I found my momentum again. I'm about caught up in all my classes, and starting to plan for my end-of-semester projects and papers. Not sure when this occurred, but I feel like I finally have enough academic drive to push myself through these last five weeks of school...but I guess we'll just have to see what happens...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
"the perfect day...
...would definitely begin with a sunrise."
Heard someone say this today. I love the idea that we can choose to acknowledge a sunrise or sunset; that just because it may be there every day doesn't mean that it's a reality for us. I have truly experienced only a handful of sunrises and sunsets...when I think about it, it's amazing how many I've missed. I've decided I'm going to pay attention to a sunrise (yikes!!) and a sunset at least once a week from now on.
Totally random - watched a random dude get cuffed and taken into custody by the library this afternoon...I couldn't stop imagining the story behind it. He was well-dressed and incredibly polite to the cop, which totally cracked me up...I overheard him asking about the cop's day; if he'd been able to enjoy the weather at all. ????? I think I've seen too many movies...I expect every scene like this to turn into something out of Antoine Fuqua's "Training Day"...

So I love how everyone is Irish today. Despite knowing less than nothing about the culture or the history behind the holiday, and despite the fact that they're less than 1/16th Irish. People are so hilarious. I almost wore orange today just to be obstinate and secure in my lack of Irish heritage, but decided I didn't want to get yelled at on such a beautiful day...
Heard someone say this today. I love the idea that we can choose to acknowledge a sunrise or sunset; that just because it may be there every day doesn't mean that it's a reality for us. I have truly experienced only a handful of sunrises and sunsets...when I think about it, it's amazing how many I've missed. I've decided I'm going to pay attention to a sunrise (yikes!!) and a sunset at least once a week from now on.
Totally random - watched a random dude get cuffed and taken into custody by the library this afternoon...I couldn't stop imagining the story behind it. He was well-dressed and incredibly polite to the cop, which totally cracked me up...I overheard him asking about the cop's day; if he'd been able to enjoy the weather at all. ????? I think I've seen too many movies...I expect every scene like this to turn into something out of Antoine Fuqua's "Training Day"...

So I love how everyone is Irish today. Despite knowing less than nothing about the culture or the history behind the holiday, and despite the fact that they're less than 1/16th Irish. People are so hilarious. I almost wore orange today just to be obstinate and secure in my lack of Irish heritage, but decided I didn't want to get yelled at on such a beautiful day...
Monday, March 16, 2009
sleepless night: check. Seven-page paper: check. One really REALLY long day ahead: double check.
Already can't wait for today to be over. I've decided (in the past five minutes) that if Kody isn't at my post-modern lit class, I am just walking away. (Not really cause I'm totally anal about missing class, but it feels good to emptily threaten...) ;)
Listening to sarah bareilles' "City Lights." Makes me want to get into my car and head for the first "real" big city I can find. At precisely this moment, I want nothing more than to get lost in a really, really big crowd. There's something so comforting, so freeing about that moment when you become indistinguishable from the masses. And now I'm rambling...
Off to a day filled with classes, curses (prof. bruss ;)) and tutoring...
Listening to sarah bareilles' "City Lights." Makes me want to get into my car and head for the first "real" big city I can find. At precisely this moment, I want nothing more than to get lost in a really, really big crowd. There's something so comforting, so freeing about that moment when you become indistinguishable from the masses. And now I'm rambling...
Off to a day filled with classes, curses (prof. bruss ;)) and tutoring...
Sunday, March 15, 2009
exhaustion on a Sunday night = impending disaster...
So I had SO much FUN this weekend! To celebrate Shelby's birthday, they all came down to visit me...we did shopping, lunch (where we embarrassed Shelby to death by having the Applebee's employees sing to her) and then a concert to finish the night. It was such a blast...and now I'm completely exhausted going into a semi-crazy week. :S It was however, definitely worth it.
In the midst of writing a paper about Orlando...writing a paper on the book is proving much MUCH easier than prepping/giving a group presentation on the book. Must be because papers are strictly a one-man (or one-woman) op, whereas with presentations you have to factor in other group members plus an entire class worth of people who can potentially make the project a horror show. ::sigh:: Whoever submitted the idea to colleges that group projects were a great way to prepare students for the realities of the real world/workplace should be SHOT. (For some reason I don't think I'm quite over the trauma of last week...;D )

Went for a walk tonight as the weather was so beautiful. I intended to be out for only a half hour, but by the time I actually zoned back into the world, it'd been an hour-and-a-half and I'd walked around the entire main campus twice. I think I've missed walking...
In the midst of writing a paper about Orlando...writing a paper on the book is proving much MUCH easier than prepping/giving a group presentation on the book. Must be because papers are strictly a one-man (or one-woman) op, whereas with presentations you have to factor in other group members plus an entire class worth of people who can potentially make the project a horror show. ::sigh:: Whoever submitted the idea to colleges that group projects were a great way to prepare students for the realities of the real world/workplace should be SHOT. (For some reason I don't think I'm quite over the trauma of last week...;D )

Went for a walk tonight as the weather was so beautiful. I intended to be out for only a half hour, but by the time I actually zoned back into the world, it'd been an hour-and-a-half and I'd walked around the entire main campus twice. I think I've missed walking...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
What? FREEDOM?! What is this, what does it do, and what does it mean?!?!
So my school week is FINALLY over. Three presentations later and my brain is fried, I am running alarmingly low on sleep, a surprising amount of people are sick of hearing me talk, but most importantly: NO MORE PRESENTATIONS ALL SEMESTER!!!! Technically this isn't true, as my sound poetry class requires me to perform a piece in class by the end of the semester, but that to me is an entirely different thing.
Ran into Jas was very much the happy accident. I really miss her...she is a kindred spirit in that she and I have an alarmingly similar sense of humor. Which means basically that we crack each other, and ourselves, up constantly when we're together. It's great fun. I miss her for other reasons though...who else braves haunted houses with me, constantly needles me about getting a tattoo, and steals my day planner to doodle and write little notes like: "brush hair. take deep breath. scream. run from campus security. remember that life as we know it will not collapse if you forget an assignment, show up late, or let someone down." Wow, does she know me well...
So I went to the student bookstore this afternoon to kill some time, (I'd intended to go for a walk, but got about fifty feet and decided it was WAAAY too stinking cold) and one of the employees, a guy, comes up to me and starts chatting me up. He asks, "What can I do for you? Looking for anything? Want a tour? I actually give PRIVATE tours free of charge..." I actually laughed, I'm ashamed to say, despite the awfulness of the line. We chat for a little bit, and I finally come out and ask him, "Are you really bored?" The "Mr. Charming" front suddenly slips off like a skin, and he starts describing the rather impressive extent of his boredom. Apparently they had practically no traffic in there today, a combination of the weather, the day of the week and the point of the semester. So I let him give me a mini tour of the bookstore that I've spent so much time in over the past year, I know probably as well as him. :D The things people will do on a boring Thursday afternoon...

So tomorrow is clean-my-room, do-my-laundry and run-errands day since I'm gonna be busy all day Saturday, which is the day I usually accomplish all of the above. Strangely enough, the boring, mundane nature of the tasks I'm going to be doing tomorrow has me oddly excited. I think that's a reflection on just how insanely busy I've been...when laundry day gets me all giddy, you know I'm in serious trouble...
Ran into Jas was very much the happy accident. I really miss her...she is a kindred spirit in that she and I have an alarmingly similar sense of humor. Which means basically that we crack each other, and ourselves, up constantly when we're together. It's great fun. I miss her for other reasons though...who else braves haunted houses with me, constantly needles me about getting a tattoo, and steals my day planner to doodle and write little notes like: "brush hair. take deep breath. scream. run from campus security. remember that life as we know it will not collapse if you forget an assignment, show up late, or let someone down." Wow, does she know me well...
So I went to the student bookstore this afternoon to kill some time, (I'd intended to go for a walk, but got about fifty feet and decided it was WAAAY too stinking cold) and one of the employees, a guy, comes up to me and starts chatting me up. He asks, "What can I do for you? Looking for anything? Want a tour? I actually give PRIVATE tours free of charge..." I actually laughed, I'm ashamed to say, despite the awfulness of the line. We chat for a little bit, and I finally come out and ask him, "Are you really bored?" The "Mr. Charming" front suddenly slips off like a skin, and he starts describing the rather impressive extent of his boredom. Apparently they had practically no traffic in there today, a combination of the weather, the day of the week and the point of the semester. So I let him give me a mini tour of the bookstore that I've spent so much time in over the past year, I know probably as well as him. :D The things people will do on a boring Thursday afternoon...

So tomorrow is clean-my-room, do-my-laundry and run-errands day since I'm gonna be busy all day Saturday, which is the day I usually accomplish all of the above. Strangely enough, the boring, mundane nature of the tasks I'm going to be doing tomorrow has me oddly excited. I think that's a reflection on just how insanely busy I've been...when laundry day gets me all giddy, you know I'm in serious trouble...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
What up w/ the strange, the alien throbbing in my head? Oh, wait, that's my brain...
So I've decided I deserve some MAJOR kudos for not having run away yet. It is seriously taking every bit of my self-control just to wake up every morning, go to class, tutor, go to study groups, go back to my dorm, study some more, and go to bed, knowing I'll be doing it all over again the next day. Thank God for the days my routine gets mixed up a bit. I really didn't believe I'd be one to fall prey to "senioritis," but I am positively ITCHING to get away from school right now...
Went to a sound performance the other day given by a professor/performer from New York...he played, get this: a Laotian MOUTH ORGAN. It was possibly the coolest thing I've seen/heard all semester. It was pretty much the only part of his presentation that impressed me, but I was pretty stinkin impressed. Unfortunately I've found it nearly impossible to describe said instrument to friends and family...I've decided that only proves my theory that the coolest things in life defy explanation. (We'll go with that, rather than I'm just really lazy in the brain).

So Sunday night as part of my sound poetry class I performed a poem on "Eagle Radio," my campus' radio station. It was an incredibly surreal, fun experience. My prof had a lot of fun messing around with me; she tried getting me worked up about it, but I was too distracted by the extremely cool mic and headset and all the complicated button yeah, I didn't get nervous which was nice, and I had a lot of fun performing one of my new favorite poems: Michael Palmer's "Red, Yellow, Blue". I think I unconsciously chose that poem because there's a line that talks about "the rain that never ends..." - I don't know what's going on, but at least here in Ypsi it WILL NOT STOP RAINING!!!! I'm seriously going stir crazy...the other night I got so fed up with being constantly stuck inside that I went for a walk despite the rain...and ended up freezing cold and completely happy.:D
Went to a sound performance the other day given by a professor/performer from New York...he played, get this: a Laotian MOUTH ORGAN. It was possibly the coolest thing I've seen/heard all semester. It was pretty much the only part of his presentation that impressed me, but I was pretty stinkin impressed. Unfortunately I've found it nearly impossible to describe said instrument to friends and family...I've decided that only proves my theory that the coolest things in life defy explanation. (We'll go with that, rather than I'm just really lazy in the brain).

So Sunday night as part of my sound poetry class I performed a poem on "Eagle Radio," my campus' radio station. It was an incredibly surreal, fun experience. My prof had a lot of fun messing around with me; she tried getting me worked up about it, but I was too distracted by the extremely cool mic and headset and all the complicated button yeah, I didn't get nervous which was nice, and I had a lot of fun performing one of my new favorite poems: Michael Palmer's "Red, Yellow, Blue". I think I unconsciously chose that poem because there's a line that talks about "the rain that never ends..." - I don't know what's going on, but at least here in Ypsi it WILL NOT STOP RAINING!!!! I'm seriously going stir crazy...the other night I got so fed up with being constantly stuck inside that I went for a walk despite the rain...and ended up freezing cold and completely happy.:D
Sunday, February 22, 2009
So I'm home!
Two of Mom's sisters and my 11-year-old cousin Josh came up from Chicago to visit us this weekend...they left this morning to head back home. We had such a good time catching up, showing off Heather's new house, playing games, telling stories (some of them even true!!)...mostly just enjoying each other. I forget sometimes how cool (like my mom) my aunts are...I am so lucky with the extended family God has given me.
So last night I played a game of monopoly with my two little sisters and 11-year-old Josh...who is, I've decided, 11 going on 25. He acts so much older than he is that half the night I mistakenly called him "Dan," confusing him with his older brother. I never really get to hang with Josh when we get together for family reunions in Chicago, since the younger kids usually hang out in one area and the adults in another, so it was really fun to do some serious hanging out with him and get to know him. I love hanging out with kids I like...I've never understood people who say blanket statements like: "I like kids." I gotta tell you, there are a LOT of kids I DON'T like. I couldn't say that any more than I could say: "I like adults." But Josh, him I like.
So the only plans I made for my break was to get my hair cut yesterday...which now that that's done, I have absolutely NOWHERE I have to go, nothing I have to do for the next WEEK!! (Not including homework of course, which of COURSE I don't) So I am pretty much completely, incandescently happy. Lazing is the bomb. :D
Two of Mom's sisters and my 11-year-old cousin Josh came up from Chicago to visit us this weekend...they left this morning to head back home. We had such a good time catching up, showing off Heather's new house, playing games, telling stories (some of them even true!!)...mostly just enjoying each other. I forget sometimes how cool (like my mom) my aunts are...I am so lucky with the extended family God has given me.
So last night I played a game of monopoly with my two little sisters and 11-year-old Josh...who is, I've decided, 11 going on 25. He acts so much older than he is that half the night I mistakenly called him "Dan," confusing him with his older brother. I never really get to hang with Josh when we get together for family reunions in Chicago, since the younger kids usually hang out in one area and the adults in another, so it was really fun to do some serious hanging out with him and get to know him. I love hanging out with kids I like...I've never understood people who say blanket statements like: "I like kids." I gotta tell you, there are a LOT of kids I DON'T like. I couldn't say that any more than I could say: "I like adults." But Josh, him I like.
So the only plans I made for my break was to get my hair cut yesterday...which now that that's done, I have absolutely NOWHERE I have to go, nothing I have to do for the next WEEK!! (Not including homework of course, which of COURSE I don't) So I am pretty much completely, incandescently happy. Lazing is the bomb. :D
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
the anathema that is the weather, and other things in my life meant to "grow my character..."
i. am. going. nuts.
It's not even CLOSE to spring yet, but I am still a serious sufferer of spring fever. Spring semester is such a February I am ready to mentally check out of classes, and by March I'm ready to kill the first person who has the nerve to tell me they are loving school.
So we watched the first half of the film Pride & Prejudice (Keira Knightley and Matthew Mcfayden) in my Jane Austen lit class this afternoon...that is one of the movies that every time I view it, I love it even more. Usually film adaptations of my favorite books bother me to no end, but in this case I feel like they did such a superb job of capturing the tone, flavor and voice of the novel. And wonder of wonders, I actually think Keira Knightley more appropriately captures the personality of Elizabeth Bennett than any of the previous actresses who've tried the same. To me this movie is Knightley's saving grace; the one film I've seen of hers that convinces me she has at least some acting chops.
Moving beyond movies...(which, after all, is rather hard to do when one is desperate for escape!!) I've decided my friend Samantha wins the game of "who had the weirdest Valentine's Day weekend," which, considering the stories I've heard, is a pretty major feat. She spent the weekend with her grandparents who not only fought the whole weekend, but preceded to drag her to a strip club thinly veiled as a bar, on Saturday night. Apparently they decided their 21-year-old granddaughter is too "straight-laced," and needed her horizons broadened. It sounds like, by FAR, one of the most painful experiences I've ever heard of. I felt so bad for Samantha this afternoon as she was relating this to me that I took her out for cheap coffee afterward. Never have I been more thankful for the relative saneness of my family... :)
So I went to the library last night, and realized after about ten minutes of browsing that I was being tailed. By a five/six-year-old boy. With a lot of hair. I eventually caught him staring at me from behind a bookshelf and gave him a little wave, which just about sent him into hyperventilation. He ran off in a panic, careening into shelves and chairs like a crazed ping-pong ball. I discreetly followed, and watched as he recovered himself in a quiet corner before setting off. He then targeted a new stranger (an older man this time) and began his little spy mission anew. This whole incident left me laughing to myself for the rest of my library visit. Sometimes I think I haven't yet lost this fear and awe of the world around me...or my instinct to play "spy" with it.
So Kody has become my one saving grace in my Post-Modern lit class. Every morning we meet up before class and convince each other not to bail. Tomorrow we get our first in-class essays back, and I don't remember being this unnerved about a test since my first semester of college. This prof is simply impossible to predict, and therefore incredibly frustrating to write an essay for. I can't wait until tomorrow is over...
So I've stuck with my whole goal of finding one thing to focus on that makes me's incredible how much easier it makes staying cheerful. Yesterday I was thankful for my car. One of my classmates told me about what it's like to take the bus ever day, and it made me want to run out to the parking lot and literally hug my wheels. Despite how claustrophobic I occasionally feel in Ypsi, I am not stuck like many are. I have freedom of a sort (even if I don't have money to really drive anywhere...) :)
It's not even CLOSE to spring yet, but I am still a serious sufferer of spring fever. Spring semester is such a February I am ready to mentally check out of classes, and by March I'm ready to kill the first person who has the nerve to tell me they are loving school.
So we watched the first half of the film Pride & Prejudice (Keira Knightley and Matthew Mcfayden) in my Jane Austen lit class this afternoon...that is one of the movies that every time I view it, I love it even more. Usually film adaptations of my favorite books bother me to no end, but in this case I feel like they did such a superb job of capturing the tone, flavor and voice of the novel. And wonder of wonders, I actually think Keira Knightley more appropriately captures the personality of Elizabeth Bennett than any of the previous actresses who've tried the same. To me this movie is Knightley's saving grace; the one film I've seen of hers that convinces me she has at least some acting chops.
Moving beyond movies...(which, after all, is rather hard to do when one is desperate for escape!!) I've decided my friend Samantha wins the game of "who had the weirdest Valentine's Day weekend," which, considering the stories I've heard, is a pretty major feat. She spent the weekend with her grandparents who not only fought the whole weekend, but preceded to drag her to a strip club thinly veiled as a bar, on Saturday night. Apparently they decided their 21-year-old granddaughter is too "straight-laced," and needed her horizons broadened. It sounds like, by FAR, one of the most painful experiences I've ever heard of. I felt so bad for Samantha this afternoon as she was relating this to me that I took her out for cheap coffee afterward. Never have I been more thankful for the relative saneness of my family... :)
So I went to the library last night, and realized after about ten minutes of browsing that I was being tailed. By a five/six-year-old boy. With a lot of hair. I eventually caught him staring at me from behind a bookshelf and gave him a little wave, which just about sent him into hyperventilation. He ran off in a panic, careening into shelves and chairs like a crazed ping-pong ball. I discreetly followed, and watched as he recovered himself in a quiet corner before setting off. He then targeted a new stranger (an older man this time) and began his little spy mission anew. This whole incident left me laughing to myself for the rest of my library visit. Sometimes I think I haven't yet lost this fear and awe of the world around me...or my instinct to play "spy" with it.
So Kody has become my one saving grace in my Post-Modern lit class. Every morning we meet up before class and convince each other not to bail. Tomorrow we get our first in-class essays back, and I don't remember being this unnerved about a test since my first semester of college. This prof is simply impossible to predict, and therefore incredibly frustrating to write an essay for. I can't wait until tomorrow is over...
So I've stuck with my whole goal of finding one thing to focus on that makes me's incredible how much easier it makes staying cheerful. Yesterday I was thankful for my car. One of my classmates told me about what it's like to take the bus ever day, and it made me want to run out to the parking lot and literally hug my wheels. Despite how claustrophobic I occasionally feel in Ypsi, I am not stuck like many are. I have freedom of a sort (even if I don't have money to really drive anywhere...) :)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Emerging Slowly From the Cave...or how it felt to leave my dorm this morning.
So at least four people asked me why I was so happy today. I've decided that my mood is ENTIRELY too dependent on the weather. I need to work on that. You'd think this would have occurred to me before, as Michigan weather is not known for being kind...but maybe I've just never been this sick of cold weather before. Either way, I've decided I'm going to find something to be happy about every day for the rest of this week. Since the nice weather isn't supposed to last, this might become challenging, especially since my class work load this week is a killer, but I am determined. If I really get in a slump, I can always just read the paper or watch the news...somehow I always come away from that both extremely horrified and incredibly relieved for my life.
So my sound poetry prof overheard me complaining this afternoon that we had to be in class instead of outside enjoying the she made me write a love poem to the class; basically outlining why I love the class so much. It was slightly horrifying; the poem was very very horrible, which is I guess what makes it funny. Tim now wants me to write a satirical love poem, one he can give his gf on valentines day. I am now very incredulous and suspicious about the function (dysfunction) of that relationship...
Meetings, meetings meetings...I've made a discovery this week. I hold Elizabeth Bennett as my all-time favorite Austen heroine...and this week has made me realize another aspect of why that is. Elizabeth is quite aware of - and deft - at playing the social games; small talk, posturing, basically standing around and talking about absolutely nothing. She plays this game to a point, but simply can't help but point out the ridiculousness of it all. I admire that so much...I feel like I waste so much time sitting around talking about nothing, or listening to others talk about nothing. It's so frustrating...I get these incredibly strong urges to suddenly say something completely inappropriate. My family is forced to listen to these outbursts at home, when I'm in the mood, or just bored...but I don't often give into this anywhere else. I guess it's the fear that I'll sabotage myself; totally ruin my image and therefore my future success. Stupid. So I've now decided it's unreasonable for society to force me to squelch my inner genius and wit, simply for image and appropriateness.

So as I was waiting for a nurse to become available to take my blood last Wednesday, I got into a rather fascinating conversation about peanut butter with a fellow donor sitting one chair away. Suffice it to say, I was a fan, and he was not. I don't remember how this conversation began, but it was extremely random and hilarious. I simply don't understand the mind that is not completely enthralled with pb, and this guy seemed equally confused about the mind that is. I hope I helped him come to some kind of understanding...but I doubt it. I think he's one of those unfortunate individuals who will never be able to rid themselves of their unnatural predisposition against pb. Well, I can only try to save them - the rest is out of my hands.
So my sound poetry prof overheard me complaining this afternoon that we had to be in class instead of outside enjoying the she made me write a love poem to the class; basically outlining why I love the class so much. It was slightly horrifying; the poem was very very horrible, which is I guess what makes it funny. Tim now wants me to write a satirical love poem, one he can give his gf on valentines day. I am now very incredulous and suspicious about the function (dysfunction) of that relationship...
Meetings, meetings meetings...I've made a discovery this week. I hold Elizabeth Bennett as my all-time favorite Austen heroine...and this week has made me realize another aspect of why that is. Elizabeth is quite aware of - and deft - at playing the social games; small talk, posturing, basically standing around and talking about absolutely nothing. She plays this game to a point, but simply can't help but point out the ridiculousness of it all. I admire that so much...I feel like I waste so much time sitting around talking about nothing, or listening to others talk about nothing. It's so frustrating...I get these incredibly strong urges to suddenly say something completely inappropriate. My family is forced to listen to these outbursts at home, when I'm in the mood, or just bored...but I don't often give into this anywhere else. I guess it's the fear that I'll sabotage myself; totally ruin my image and therefore my future success. Stupid. So I've now decided it's unreasonable for society to force me to squelch my inner genius and wit, simply for image and appropriateness.

So as I was waiting for a nurse to become available to take my blood last Wednesday, I got into a rather fascinating conversation about peanut butter with a fellow donor sitting one chair away. Suffice it to say, I was a fan, and he was not. I don't remember how this conversation began, but it was extremely random and hilarious. I simply don't understand the mind that is not completely enthralled with pb, and this guy seemed equally confused about the mind that is. I hope I helped him come to some kind of understanding...but I doubt it. I think he's one of those unfortunate individuals who will never be able to rid themselves of their unnatural predisposition against pb. Well, I can only try to save them - the rest is out of my hands.
Monday, January 26, 2009
the guilt of the well-meaning but uncommitted...
People. It's hilarious that the one direction of my life from which flows some of my greatest joys is also the source of my greatest trials...
So last Thursday one of my classmates realized that since our poetry class got canceled, I was going to have to sit in the hall for over an hour to wait for my night class. So this friend decided to stay and keep me company. For an HOUR. It was possibly one of the sweetest things anyone has done for me. The completely awesome thing: he writes movie reviews for our school paper, so he and I literally spent the entire time talking about movies, our favorite actors and Hollywood's strange, rigid idea of beauty...and also how Alan Rickman is one of the great underrated actors of his time. It was simply a blast.
Yesterday, however, I was the recipient of a bunch of snide comments in my Avant-Garde literature class from a group of "bohemian" self-love type people who've decided the class belongs to them.
My conclusion: people are great, but sometimes they also suck. I guess that makes sense, since that is also a good description of myself...when I am able to think about myself objectively, anyway... ;)
Headed home this weekend, to celebrate Lucy's birthday, as well as simply my family in general. I tried to explain to Kody yesterday about how I feel about my family, and he finally made this really hilarious comment: "You know Linz, you tell me you've never been in love before...but do you realize that's what it sounds like when you talk about them?" It's so funny, because it's so true in a way...I love my mom, my sisters and my bro's family with so much of me. I really can't imagine feeling the same amount for anyone else...even if he was the most perfect guy out there. (Which, let's face it, the perfect guy would annoy the crap out of me anyway...)
Along that vein...I was considering yesterday as I was reading the strange combination of Austen's Northanger Abbey and Flaubert's Madame Bovary that as a young 20's woman, I'm something of a quandary. Everything about my life: my childhood, the example(s) I had growing up, the training I've received from my sisters and my mother - everything has prepared me for the eventuality of marriage and children. Yet every time I consider that life, I am filled with a strange dissatisfaction. I realized yesterday as I was picturing that life - my life like that - it's just not what I want, at least right now. I realize that may change, but the idea of being at home, running a home and raising my children alone while my husband works eight, nine hour days, five or six days a week is simply not how I want to spend the majority of my life. I feel like I have been made for something different. Not something better, or worse, just something different. Sometimes I think that is why God created me so autonomous; why I hardly ever feel lonely, even when it's just Him and I. I am contented alone, in a way that I think most people aren't. But as people keep telling me, this may change, and soon I will probably be filled with the same urge to find someone to share my life - and children - with that everyone else in their twenties seems to feel. Then again...maybe not.
So last Thursday one of my classmates realized that since our poetry class got canceled, I was going to have to sit in the hall for over an hour to wait for my night class. So this friend decided to stay and keep me company. For an HOUR. It was possibly one of the sweetest things anyone has done for me. The completely awesome thing: he writes movie reviews for our school paper, so he and I literally spent the entire time talking about movies, our favorite actors and Hollywood's strange, rigid idea of beauty...and also how Alan Rickman is one of the great underrated actors of his time. It was simply a blast.
Yesterday, however, I was the recipient of a bunch of snide comments in my Avant-Garde literature class from a group of "bohemian" self-love type people who've decided the class belongs to them.
My conclusion: people are great, but sometimes they also suck. I guess that makes sense, since that is also a good description of myself...when I am able to think about myself objectively, anyway... ;)
Headed home this weekend, to celebrate Lucy's birthday, as well as simply my family in general. I tried to explain to Kody yesterday about how I feel about my family, and he finally made this really hilarious comment: "You know Linz, you tell me you've never been in love before...but do you realize that's what it sounds like when you talk about them?" It's so funny, because it's so true in a way...I love my mom, my sisters and my bro's family with so much of me. I really can't imagine feeling the same amount for anyone else...even if he was the most perfect guy out there. (Which, let's face it, the perfect guy would annoy the crap out of me anyway...)
Along that vein...I was considering yesterday as I was reading the strange combination of Austen's Northanger Abbey and Flaubert's Madame Bovary that as a young 20's woman, I'm something of a quandary. Everything about my life: my childhood, the example(s) I had growing up, the training I've received from my sisters and my mother - everything has prepared me for the eventuality of marriage and children. Yet every time I consider that life, I am filled with a strange dissatisfaction. I realized yesterday as I was picturing that life - my life like that - it's just not what I want, at least right now. I realize that may change, but the idea of being at home, running a home and raising my children alone while my husband works eight, nine hour days, five or six days a week is simply not how I want to spend the majority of my life. I feel like I have been made for something different. Not something better, or worse, just something different. Sometimes I think that is why God created me so autonomous; why I hardly ever feel lonely, even when it's just Him and I. I am contented alone, in a way that I think most people aren't. But as people keep telling me, this may change, and soon I will probably be filled with the same urge to find someone to share my life - and children - with that everyone else in their twenties seems to feel. Then again...maybe not.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
the state of being bummed and psyched at the same time....
Christmas break was...well, practically perfect in every way. :D
I got to:
-go hiking in a foot of snow
-shop numerous times w/ many different peeps
-eat tons and tons of amazingly awesome food prepared by Mom and my sisters
-go on a mini road trip
and best of all:
-spend Christmas and New Years with those I love more than anything else in the whole world.
It was difficult at times to realize in those occasional moments of startling perception that I was experiencing the holidays in the house of my growing up years for the last time. Out of all my family, I love change the most, and even I felt a sort of grief at the idea of losing such an important piece of my life. But we spent as much time as we could filling it with as many positive memories as we could cram into three weeks.
Sometimes I feel so unbelievably blessed, I am filled with a sort of fear that God is preparing me for unbelievable hardship. But in the moments that I am surrounded by the ones I love so much, and realize how much I am loved, I believe that as long as I can hold onto that, I can make it through anything.
And now, to escape the growing maudlin... ;)
Despite how hard it was to leave home today, I am filled with a growing excitement about this semester. It is shaping up to be completely crazy, but at this moment, I am filled with illogical optimism.
I'm okay with that.
I got to:
-go hiking in a foot of snow
-shop numerous times w/ many different peeps
-eat tons and tons of amazingly awesome food prepared by Mom and my sisters
-go on a mini road trip
and best of all:
-spend Christmas and New Years with those I love more than anything else in the whole world.
It was difficult at times to realize in those occasional moments of startling perception that I was experiencing the holidays in the house of my growing up years for the last time. Out of all my family, I love change the most, and even I felt a sort of grief at the idea of losing such an important piece of my life. But we spent as much time as we could filling it with as many positive memories as we could cram into three weeks.
Sometimes I feel so unbelievably blessed, I am filled with a sort of fear that God is preparing me for unbelievable hardship. But in the moments that I am surrounded by the ones I love so much, and realize how much I am loved, I believe that as long as I can hold onto that, I can make it through anything.
And now, to escape the growing maudlin... ;)
Despite how hard it was to leave home today, I am filled with a growing excitement about this semester. It is shaping up to be completely crazy, but at this moment, I am filled with illogical optimism.
I'm okay with that.
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