The door knobs on all the doors in my dorm are very heavy. When I first started living here, I noticed they were heavier than most door knobs, but I didn't really think much about it at the time. Last week I noticed they seemed heavier; it took me an extra second to get it turned all the way. Today when I went to turn the knob on my door, I could hardly turn it, it was so heavy. I've decided this weird phenomenon has less to do with the door knobs actually getting heavier, and more to do with my growing exhaustion (or perhaps paranoia/insanity? I'll have to give it some more thought...). Either way, I've decided some extra sleep couldn't hurt. It's even on my to-do list.
So tutoring session #1 with...let's call him "Super Jock," commenced today. It was quite the interesting experience. It's almost like a math problem in of itself: what do you have when you get a former jock, add super over-achievement tendencies, and graduation on the horizon with just one class standing in his way? What you have equals one intense tutoring session fraught with sports small talk, an attitude toward math that reminds me of Alexander the Great's attitude toward conquering...well, the world, enough charisma to float a battleship (or is it "sink a battleship? Whichever...) and a tutee that will be giving me two solid hours every week for the rest of the semester. :D
I feel like my interests have crystallized in the past three weeks. I have gotten to the point where free time is so rare and precious, when I have it I am forced to condense everything I actually WANT to do to the very bare minimum. Suddenly I discover what's really important to me. Apparently this is what's really important to me:
-watching NCIS & House
-talking on the phone with my sisters
-hanging w/ friends
-creating numerous to-do lists
-writing on this blog
This is pretty much all I have done in my free time this past week, in fact. I realize as I look that list over, I am not happy with it. There are things on this list I wish I did not feel compelled (driven?) to do incessantly (can we say cleaning?! ;) and things I'd like to be able to put on this list (consistent Bible reading, memorizing scripture). ::sigh:: Guess I'll have to put it on my to-do list. ;)
Ways I did NOT limit God today:
I typed it all up and then accidently posted it under the wrong name (which is what the other comment is from) and decided I just need to call you and tell you tonight :-)
Thanks for the comment! It's nice to know that it might actually have some weight outside of my inner ramblings. ;o)
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