Can't sleep. And do I ever have every reason to. (There's a really confusing sentence) But just one of those nights when my mind is going at 500 mph, albeit without my consent. I hate nights like these...makes me wish I was an irresponsible person, and could just get into my car and drive; chase the sunrise. But alas, I am confined by my own inescapable responsible streak that keeps me chained to my bed, fruitlessly searching for that elusive being called sleep...
I am processing so much right now...but what I can't seem to process is this physical pain I feel. I forgot what it's like to hurt so much for someone else that you can actually feel it. That's how it feels right now when I think about the people I love hurting. And so far away, I feel like I can't reach them.
Sometimes life really bites.
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You know where to find me if you need to talk, even if it's late at night.
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