So I am an iceberg. And yes, there is much more to me than what you see on the surface, but I actually mean I am literally an iceberg. I expect I shall be a big block of frozen ice spring, possibly. I really don't recommend walking halfway across campus at 8:30pm in freezing rain; it tends to result in loss of feeling in critical appendages, drenched jeans (and really, what's more uncomfortable than wet jeans?) and hair that can't decide which famous rock star to emulate.
I was SO proud of myself this morning: I actually remembered to dig out my gloves from my winter stuff and wear them to class. Then I ended up sharing them with friends in every single class today. Apparently campus classroom buildings don't rediscover the concept of heat until November. It's gonna be a long, cold month...
Heehee. So I think maybe "J" and I shouldn't sit by each other in Shakespeare anymore. We are definitely a bad influence on each others' academic studies. I think I only caught about half the prof's lecture today, what with all our passing notes (yes! I actually passed notes! How pathetic is that?!), whispered conversations and muted laughter. Granted, when I was tuning in, he was usually either going on and on about his first divorce, or his latest work in progress (he writes plays), but I still don't think it's good that I'm potentially only going to learn half of what I'm supposed to learn in this class. Even if what I'm "supposed" to learn is a little bit of Shakespeare, and the complete life history of my prof and his family tree...
So the latest in the saga between me and my arch enemy has taken a surprising turn...he was nice to me today. NICE! He actually stopped me after class to ask me how my project is coming. Now I don't know what he's trying to pull, but I see right through this pathetic attempt to call a truce. I've decided unequivocally not to trust him. Which kind of leaves me in a very weird place if he continues to try to be nice. I am not very good at being mean, so if he keeps it up, I just KNOW I'll cave! I've got to be strong! Can't let him lull me into a false sense of security! (And I sound so nuts right now, I'm scaring myself...) :S
So my hero today: whiteout. Thought I'd killed myself with all the mistakes I'd made on my tutoring paperwork, then suddenly the solution ocurred to me: 'whiteout, stupid!' I've decided life should come with whiteout. Wouldn't that be totally awesome?
1 comment:
How did things go today?
I decided I need to get out all my sweaters this weekend 'cause I was so cold the last couple of days. Booooooo, winter!!
Ways I did NOT limit God today: I came home late and read two days in my Bible reading after God told me to (and, I was much too tired in my opinion to read one day, forget about two). In the second day, God showed me something awesomely encouraging. Yay, God!
How 'bout you?
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