So I stopped by the Holman Center tonight to pick up my check, and the guy running the front desk immediately started teasing me. (I have no idea why...I think he was bored). I am going to admit that I stooped to using a method of guilt I find extremely pathetic: I looked up at him and gave him my "Sad Eyes." If you've seen them, you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, let's just say that I should have to declare them as lethal weapons, they are so potent. ;) Anyway, he stopped, looked at me, then said, "Rough day, hun?" Usually I really despise being called anything other than my name by guys, but I only nodded pathetically. He handed me my check, patted my hand comfortingly and sent me off with "Don't worry, tomorrow will be a better day. I promise." I have no idea why I'd find such trite words from a clueless stranger so comforting, but there you go. :)
I hate Wuthering Heights. I was hoping that by some miracle, this time I read it I would discover a deep-seated like for the book, since it's such a classic and whatever, but much to my dismay, I think I hate it MORE than I did in high school. I can't fathom disliking characters as much as I do the ones in that book. And it's not even fun to dislike them, like the great villains you love to hate. No, these characters are just so...hatefully pathetic. And of course, I have a paper, project and group discussion on the novel I have to work up some kind of motivation to complete in the next month... ::sigh:: Sometimes school is annoying.
On a positive note: I

just found out I got a whopping refund this semester! (I have yet to figure out why, but I'm not letting that stop me from wild, hysterical excitement!) So I've decided since I've received this huge refund, I shall make a trip out to Wal-Mart this weekend and treat myself to a new pair of scissors. (My current pair is so dull, yesterday it stopped cutting paper).
You hate Wuthering Heights? Hm. Can't say it's an absolute favorite, but it's in the top 50 (maybe even 25?) on my book list. What don't you like about it?
And I love your title. It's so true. Blogging, stories, poetry, letters, etc. So true.
Hehehe, so how did you NOT limit God today?
Hang in there. It's a horrid book and should not be included in the classics in my world (hereafter known as "Donemyway") but if you can get past the self-absorbed, pathetic, and pointless lives of the main characters, gotta love the descriptions of the landscape?
Keep looking for those tattoo ideas incorporating my phrase...the ribbon reminder I'm wearing on my wrist right now pales at the thought of ink competition!
Good job not limiting God! Sounds like you could be very overwhelmed!!
How I did NOT limit God...yesterday, instead of working on my huge paper, I did the things God told me to (including helping a certain sib with math and listening to an hour+ message from Beth), trusting that He's going to work out the details.
Today, I'm not sure yet. It's a good challenge though :-)
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