So back to school...literally. Being in my dorm again reminds me of...well...last semester, but also of being back in the womb - so comfortable, cozy, and CLAUSTROPHOBIC. And that is the last of my whining, since I know actually having my own dorm room strips me of that right.
The strangest thing today...I was hit on by almost every guy I came in contact with. Seriously, it started me thinking about whether that kind of thing is like a contagious disease or something. I really am actually not exaggerating much about this...I mean, the cafeteria dude drew a little mistletoe on my lunch lid, for goodness sake. Anyway, weird Twilight Zone stuff...
Watched the new Indiana Jones movie at the "Free University Movie-in-the-Park" showing last night...and all I can say is, Lucas, Spielberg and Harrison Ford, time to come up with a new idea. (Lucas, you especially. I mean, Clone Wars animated?? Come on now.)
I just remembered that the dreaded first week of classes - and having to introduce yourself a million times via stupid icebreakers - is officially OVER! YESSS! I am actually quite psyched about the first full week of REAL classes, although by this time next weekend I shall probably be stuck, arms flailing about, underneath a gigantic pile of textbooks, notes, syllabi and their corresponding homework assignments. Well, everything has a catch, now hasn't it? :S
P.S I cannot WAIT until they open up the trash rooms in my dorm, so they can move the smelly trash dumpster from underneath my window. Whose idea WAS that, anyway?!